The Gray Bird Sings at the Annual Meeting

A small but appreciative audience was treated to a fascinating glimpse into The Extraordinary Life of Betty Kwan Chinn when Betty and her biographer Karen Price were our guests for this year’s Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Redwood Libraries on June 22. Members were able to acquire autographed copies Karen Price and Betty Chinnof Karen’s book, The Gray Bird Sings, and discuss it and ask questions of Betty.

Prior to the program a brief business meeting was held to conduct the election of officers for the coming year. President Debbie Reis conducted the election and introduced new and continuing officers and board members and thanked outgoing a board members for their service.

Following the business meeting Library Director Chris Cooper reported on the State of the Library, stressing new programs that are being created, new staff recruitment, and infrastructure upgrades, including those for ADA compliance.

Debbie presents Frances Rapin
award to Ronda WittenbergPresident Debbie Reis presented the 2024 Frances Rapin Community Service Award to recently retired staff members Ronda Wittenberg and Michael Logan, who between them provided 89 years of service to Library patrons. Michael was unable to attend, but he and Ronda will work with the Library to decide how the $2,000 will be spent.

Following the program, delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all.