About FRL

We are the Friends of the Redwood Libraries, volunteers whose goal is to support the Humboldt County Library System. FRL was founded over fifty years ago to stimulate interest in the needs, services and facilities of the Redwood Libraries as well as to raise funds to enable the libraries to procure books, and other materials, and to meet other library needs not provided for in the regular budget.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to support the needs and programs of the Humboldt County Library system.

Board of Directors

Board Members

Author Festival Representative

Board of Directors Regular Meetings

Third Thursday of the Month, at 10:00 A.M.
Helen Everett Room,
Eureka Main Library

Fund Raising

Our most important work is raising funds for the Libraries through ongoing sales in the Serendipity Bookstore, through online purchases at AbeBooks and through our periodic book sales.

These activities are generously supported by Friends members and the general public and provide the Libraries with funds that are urgently needed in these times of severe budget shortages. Keep up-to-date with information by reading our monthly newsletter.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed toVolunteer help with the unpacking and sorting of donated books. Most of this activity takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

We also need your help when we set up for our Book Sales. The more hands to help, the faster the setup and the lighter the work for all.

We have occasional openings for regular shifts in the Serendipity Bookstore. Please call us at 707-269-1995 or email friends@eurekafrl.org if you can help with any of these activities.


Friends are very special to the Libraries of Humboldt County. Won’t you join us by becoming a member?