Author: Raymond King

Epic Book Sale – Nov 6-7

ad_frlsalefull3This sale is going to be ‘Huuuuge!’Thousands of items: Christmas gifts for the finicky, stocking stuffers for acquaintances, and of course plenty for the kids without busting the budget!

Humboldt County 2015 Children’s Author Festival

2015authorfestivallogoThis October 15-17, 25 well-known authors and illustrators of popular children’s books will visit 60 Humboldt County schools. They will meet students and talk about books, the business and craft of writing and illustration.  The authors and illustrators will come here from California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, Florida and Indiana. They’ll be here to inspire, to be inspired, and to have fun.

On October 17, the authors and illustrators will spend the day at a public autographing session in the Main Library in Eureka.  During this time, their books can be purchased.
Visit their website for more information:

Fond Farewell, Janet

Janet Smith RetiresJanet Smith, Head of Acquisitions for the Humboldt Library System, has retired. We are so very sad for no longer having her to work with, so very happy that she is off for adventure in the best of health.