Artwork used in the 2024 Calendar Elora Steffen, Age 12, The Rise of Kyoshi (cover) Zoe Rossiter, Age 9, Warriors, Forest of Secrets (January) Violet Pool, Age 6, Purrmaids (February) Bella Beard, Age 12, Wings of Fire (March) Olivia Rivera, Age 5, All Are Welcome (April) Addie James, Age 9, Diary of a Pug (May) Rowan Dunn, Age 7, Yertle the Turtle (June) Veda Vance, Age 8, Magic Tree House (July) Cassidy Lloyd, Age 10, Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast (August) Vasili Tokarev, Age 7, Jalapeno Bagels (September) Terryn Mathews, Age 8, Bad Kitty (October) Tenley Weeks, Age 12, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (November) Ivan Tokarev, Age 9, Harry Potter, Train to Hogwarts (December) Honorable Mentions Lizzy Gibbons, Age 9, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Olive Conley, Age 10, Lowriders blast to the Past Jax Budesa, Age 6, Pirates Past Noon Alice Gibbons, Age 6, Mr. Popper’s Penguins Hazel Ray Coonen, Age 8, Mellybean and the Giant Monster Lily Ward, Age 10, The Dragonet Prophesy Theodore James, Age 7, Pizza and Taco Milo Frachon, Age 5, When the Mountain Meets the Moon Lily Baldwin, Age 12, A Wolf Called Wander Marlee Lawson, Age 7, An Otter Called Pebble Miles Jackson, Age 13, The Lost Hero Elizabeth Pimentel, Age 10, Wings of Fire Additional Artwork Age 5 Avala Darby, Little Witch Hazel Rilo Jewett, Magic Bunny Micah Lange, The Cat in the Hat Kyden Magnuson, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie Woodren Meadows, Magic Treehouse Lucy Seamands, Chicka Boom-Boom Age 6 Quentin Bennett, Jack and the Beanstalk Lyra Burstein, Anna Hibiscus Archer Cairns, Hop on Pop Egon Dobson, Dragon Masters Victoria Ennis, Ivy and Bean Elise Hansen, Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy Emmy Moor, Anna Hibiscus Heron O’Connor, Sunset of the Sabertooth Wren Rusby, Anna Hibiscus Maxine Shahin, Rosie Revere Engineer Daisy Silva, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie Veena Vue, The Sam the Slug Veena Vue, The Secret Life of the Skunk Veena Vue, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Age 7 Rowan Dunn, The Little Mermaid Rowan Dunn, Tortoise and the Hare Iona Ennis, Juniper Marlee Lawson, How to Catch a Tooth Fairy Annalise Pool, Wings of Fire Magdelena Seamands, Twinkle Jackson Van de San, Owl Babies Age 8 Avery Barry, Judy Moody Hazel Coonen, Princess Princess Ever After Greta DeSmet, Phoebe and Her Unicorn Sondre Ennis, The Fellowship of the Kings Frankie Elfing, Corduroy Joseph Rivera, Wings of Fire Django Steffen, Wings of Fire Age 9 Kaywin Broadbent, The Cardboard Kingdom ParkerBudesa, Dragonmasters Parker Budesa, Fire Dragon Parker Budesa, My Side of the Mountain Delphine Hansen, The invention of Hugo Cabret Delphine Hansen, Chomp Mia Hong-Novotney, Masterminds Mia Hong Novotney, Coraline Emily Hussey, Blue Stars Prophesy Addie James, Psyduck Ducks Amelie Odle, Baby Mouse Ian Sowerwine, The Hobbit Stella Sween, Anne of Green Gables Ivan Tokarev, Harry Potter (Owl) Ivan Tokarev, Harry Potter (hat) Ivan Tokarev, Harry Potter (Harry) Madeline Toland, Yellowfangs Secret Age 10 Ayla Dunn, Wings of Fire Lorelai Garcia, Room to Dream Teus Kypta, Warriors (cats) Teus Kypta, Warriors Jason Moitoso, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Akal Sohal, Dog Man and Cat Kid Dylan Spencer, Dogman Lily Ward, Harry Potter Lily Ward, The Hidden Kingdom, Wings of Fire Age 11 Oliver Goodman, Warriors Delilah Sowerwine, Tuesdays at the Castle Delilah Sowerwine, The Phantom Tollbooth Delilah Sowerwine, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Age 12 Bella Beard, Escaping Peril Bella Beard, Starwolf Vassy McCutchan, A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic Tenley Weeks, Hunger Games Tenley Weeks, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone