Category: News

It’s On! Buck-A-Bag 8/8-8/9

BUCK A BAG SALE FLYERPlease remember, no matter how wonderful our books, DVDs, VHSs, and records are, they are destined for recycle after this sale. With values from $5 to $50 dollars, yours for $1 a bag, it always pains us to give up on our stock. But time moves on, and the ‘Old’ must make way for the ‘New’. Care to save a well deserving book, movie, record? Come on down!

Rack in the Back Freshened

nameit1snameit2sThe Name Your Own Price rack in the back of Serendipity Book Store has been freshened with new little pocket books and big coffee table books. Lots of new, old, eclectic, and informative books. The perfect little something for your pocket, or great big scenic book for your arm chair travel.

Great Time at Arts Alive – Thanks, Eureka Books!

artsaliveaugeurbk1sThe Eureka Friends of the Redwood Libraries (FRL) served wine at the August Art’s Alive Event, hosted by the great Eureka Books Book Store. In addition to serving wine, the FRL members brought artsaliveaugsalong book art created by Dolores Guffey; postcards and book marks made from recycled vintage books. Unsold book marks and post cards will be available in the Serendipity Book Store, in the Eureka Public Library, 2nd Floor.

HCL News – July 12, 2014

h06a05_Ahnalie_DeBruyn_LucyTumnus1sJuly 12, 2014

Ray King, President
Friends of the Redwood Libraries
P.O. Box 188
Eureka, CA 95502

Dear Friends:

The Library is in receipt of the following checks:

1) $4,321.51 (profits from book sales, bookstore & internet revenues)
2) $28.00 (Liberry preserves)
3) $22.50(sale of Children’s Calendar)

Per your request, your donations of $4,372.01 will be used to purchase books for the library’s collection. Once again, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the library.

Victor Zazueta
Director of Library Services

HCL News – May 29, 2014

May 29,2014

Ray King, President
Friends of the Redwood Libraries
P.O. Box 188
Eureka, CA 95502

Dear Friends:

The Library is in receipt of the following checks:

1) $316.38 (20l4 Children’s Art Calendar)

2) $150.00 (in Memory of Anna Townsend)

3) $600.00 (Summer Reading Program)

Per your request, your donations of $466.38 will be used to purchase books next fiscal year for the library’s collection; while $600.00 will go towards the costs of securing performers for the Children’s Summer Reading Program Kick-off Parties at all the library’s branches. Thank you for your tireless support and dedication, because of you we are enabled to provide many invaluable resources to our community.

Victor Zazueta
Director of Library Services

FRL Buck-A-Bag Book Sale Needs a Few Friends

BUCK A BAG SALE FLYERThe Friends of the Redwood Libraries is having its Annual Buck-A-Bag Book Sale on August 8 (for FRL Members) and August 9 (open to public). We need your help to make the Buck-A-Bag Sale a fabulous success.

We are looking for volunteers to help set up and breakdown the book sale in the garage and the meeting room. Moderate good will, dependability, strength and stamina would be nice.

The meeting room is set up August 7 from 8 am to 12 noon.
The garage is set up August 8 from 8am to 10am

The meeting room and garage break down is 8/12 from 8 am to 12 pm.

We are also looking for volunteers to manage the desks Read more