Through the end of July, all Serendipity Quilt and Crafts Books just 25 Cents! Values up to $3! On the Serendipity Book Store ‘Specials’ table, just outside the Serendipity Book Store, and inside the Serendipity Book Store.
Category: News
Serendipity Store Tour 1e
And finally, to the left of the Serendipity door, is our Coffee Table Spinner. It is always a challenge to display large books and small books so they have a chance to be properly appreciated, cherished, and bought. The spinner is the temporary home for plus size books, usually for about a month, picked by the staff as deserving a shot to find a home. As always the picks are eclectic, and usually aggressively priced. We do what we can to make these books irresistible. Nobody wins when they go to recycle.
That is the end of the Serendipity Tour, Part 1. We almost made it in the door. And now a word about our book sales. Read more
Children’s Author Festival Benefit
Your FRL Board—Ray King Bio
Your FRL Board—Ray King Bio, courtesy of Judith McGinty
Like all of us who volunteer with Friends of the Redwood Libraries, Ray King has had a life-long love of books. He had his first library card in the library in Dayton, Ohio. The first “chapter book” he read was Tom Swift and his Electric Locomotive. He doesn’t remember if it was the first adult book he read, but he says The Decameron by Boccaccio had a great effect on him. (Isn’t it interesting how these milestones stick with us?)
Serendipity Store Tour-Part 1d
Serendipity Store Tour-Part 1d
To the right of the door is our Books on Cassette Tape and Books on CD rack. Unlike music CDs, all Books on Media are sold as titles. Books on Cassette are just $1 a title. Books on CD are just $3 a title. At these prices it’s hard to keep them on the shelf. Almost all Books on Media are found on this cart. Occasionally a Bible on Tape may be inside Serendipity. These are hot sellers, and very popular with the ‘catch and release’ crowd. Some titles are sold many multiple times, and we are always hoping for generous donations of material to keep the merry-go-round spinning. Do you have any Books on Tape or CD you would be willing to donate? They would be greatly appreciated!
On the flip side of the cart are our ‘Old Friends’; books from the 50s and earlier. Popular in their day, they have weathered the march of time and are still capable of entertaining or informing. A mix of fiction and non-fiction, some with wonderful illustrations or photography, this is one section that is often raided by book sellers and collectors. At just $1 a book, I’m not surprised. I got my First Editions of ‘Black Boy’, ‘Native Son’, and ‘Sad Sack’ from these shelves, as well as ‘The Civil War in Pictures’. If you are willing to look beyond ‘new and shiny’, there is gold in them thar hills.
FRL Annual Meeting June 28th
The meeting room in the Eureka Main Library was nearly filled to capacity for our recent Annual Meeting. Elected to serve terms beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2016, were Eileen Hayhurst, First Vice President; Stephanie Hillman, Treasurer; Debbie Reis, Corresponding Secretary; and Walt Frazer, Marjorie Malcolm, and Barry Ross, Directors. Continuing on the board with terms expiring June 30, 2015, are Ray King, President; Yvonne Kassatkin, 2nd Vice President; Marilyn Tucker, Recording Secretary; and Susie Freese, Dolores Guffey, Connie Johnson and Jan Turner, Directors. Following the election, Ray presented Library Director Victor Zazueta with an oversized check representing the $31,467 that the Friends have donated to the Library during this past year. Victor thanked all of the volunteers who support the needs of the Library, and then spoke on the “State of the Library”.
FRL 2014 Annual Mtg – More
FRL 2014 Annual Mtg – More
Pres. Ray King presented the Community Service Award to the Women of The Central Office—The Copy Center. Lynette Worthington, Terry Davis, and Terri Vanderhoff accepted the plaque and the honor of choosing how the $2000 Friends’ donation to the Library should be
Susie Freese introduced The guest speaker for the afternoon, Cheryl Seidner, who kept the rapt attention of the audience by telling the story of the Wiyot people. She has been an invaluable spokesperson and activist for this important cause, and she spearheaded the campaign to have the Tulawat Villiage site and about 60 acres of Indian Island returned to the Wiyot tribe.
After a wonderful afternoon, the meeting was adjourned for door prize drawings and refreshments. Thanks go to Eileen Hayhurst, program chair, and everyone who provided food and door prizes, those who attended, and all who helped to make the 2014 Annual Meeting a success.
Vinyl Wow
Vinyl Wow
Two (!) generous donations of vinyl are trickling into Serendipity. Classics, Pop, & Rock
[cycloneslider id=”now-vinyl”]
Much of the ‘newer’ stuff is in great condition, practically untouched. The older items are headed to the Aug 8-9 Buck-A-Bag book sale.
FRL Annual Meeting 2014
Community Service Award 2014
Whenever the need arises to solve a problem or get a design idea for our printing projects we go to Terry, Lynette and Terri at The Central Office—the Copy Center, in Eureka, and we are never disappointed.
Terry Davis and Lynette Worthington have run of The Central Office for over 27 years. Terry and Lynette bought the office 14 years ago, and Terri Vanderhoff has been part of the team for all of those years.
While we at the Friends of the Redwood Libraries like to think we are “the favored ones”, we also know that these fabulous women are there to help all local organizations and businesses with their printing, be it brochures, newsletters, calendars (yes, our Children’s Art Calendar), and all printing projects.
We are proud and happy to present the FRL Community Service Award to The Women of Central Office—The Copy Center.
THANK YOU: Terry Davis and Lynette Worthington, Manager/Owners; and Terri Vanderhoff