Category: News

Wondering what we’ve been up to lately?


Dear Friends:

The Library is in receipt of the following checks:

  1. $4,631.30 (profits from book sales, bookstore & internet revenues)
  2. $33.25 (Liberry preserves)
  3. $720 (2014 Children’s Art Calendar
  4. $500 Blue-ray attachment for buffing machine
  5. $5,935.46 McNaughton Books (Eureka FY 2014-15)


Per your request, your donations of $4,934.55 will be used to purchase books for the library’s collection, $5935.46 will pay for the McNaughton Book Service and the remainder will be used to order the Blue-ray attachment. Once again, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the library.

Victor Zazueta
Director of Library Services

Art Calendars Go International

Check out the nice mention of FRL and our beautiful art calendars in the British Retired Librarian magazine, ‘Post-Lib’ (it’s in the article that includes the naked librarians …):

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Community Service Award 2013


The FRL Board has selected Frances Rapin to receive this year’s Community Service Award. A check in the amount of $2,000 will be presented to the Library in her name, to be used as she specifies.

Over the years Frances has been an innovator and an advocate for the Friends and for the Library. Under her leadership we conducted our Hi-$5 Campaign, which raised $45,000 to restore hours that budget cuts had eliminated from the Library’s schedule. We opened our Serendipity Book Store in October 1999, a project that originated with Frances and one that she worked tirelessly to bring about. Anyone who was involved knows very well that it would not have happened without Frances’ direction and hard work.

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