April Book Sale Results

 April Book Sale Results
(And comparison with the spring 2018 results)
Books, etc.
Meeting Room:  $1299.89
    Garage: $468.20
      (at 10 cents a book, that is a lot of books sold!)
Meeting Room:  $45
    Garage:  $26
Total Donations:  $191.43
Total Memberships: $254.00

Grand Total    $2,284.52
The 2018 spring book sale total was $1,928.99

Community Service Award

Liberry PreservesThe Community Service award this year will be presented to Cary and Robin Bartlett, owners of Mad River Farm. These are the people who make the delicious Liberry Preserves. The Friends will present $2,000 to the Library, and Cary and Robin can choose how it is to be used. If you haven’t tried Liberry Preserves, you can find them in the Serendipity Book Store, upstairs in the Eureka Main Library. 

2019 FRL Annual Meeting

Save the date!

June 8 is the day of our 2019 ANNUAL MEETING. Come to the large meeting room in the Humboldt County Main Library, 1313 3rd Street, Eureka, CA, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. We will elect new officers, present our Community Service Award, and enjoy our special speaker, Margot Genger. 

Margot grew up in our library, beginning with the old Carnegie Library at 7th and F in Eureka. She has authored a memoir, Shift Happens, and will share it with all of us at the Annual Meeting. 

Neil Tarpey, author of Flashes of Lightning, wrote a synopsis about Shift Happens. “Genger writes with a poet’s heart, a truck driver’s focus, and a tourist’s eye. She transports us across America’s breathtaking landscapes and urban blight all while trying to stay sober and neutralize her own demons. I’m glad I went along for the ride.” 

Nominations for FRL Officers

Officers and Directors will be elected at the FRL Annual Meeting, which will be held on June 8, 2019

The following nominations have been submitted by the Nominating Committee. As always nominations will also be taken from the floor.

Terms for the following offices are from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021:

President: James Cech

Corresponding Secretary: Sandi Hazel

Recording Secretary: Anne Hartline,

Directors: Donna Andersen, Tricia Hamill, Debbie Reis, Abigail Ryan

The following offices are continuing (terms ending in 2020):

First Vice President: Calista Sullivan

Second Vice President: Stephanie Hillman

Treasurer: Karen Anderson

Directors: Hilary Stephens, Yvette Tucker, Geri Emberson

February Book Sale Results

Thank you to everyone who made the FRL winter book sale a success:
The hard-working crew that takes in and sorts the books, the energetic volunteers that set-up and take down the meeting room and garage, the volunteers that man the sale, and the people who keep track of all the details that make a sale happen.

The FRL winter book sale not only featured a very large number of books, but free VHS tapes as well. Despite the threatening weather, people showed up and the sale was successful. Many of the customers that came for the VHS tapes, and left with boxes of them, also purchased books to add to their boxes.

February Book Sale Results
(And comparison with the winter 2018 results)

Books, etc. $2,032.50 (2018: 1,780.67
Jam 15.00 (2018: $ 55.00)

Total Sales $2,047.50 (2018: $1,835.67)

Total Donations $ 54.45 (2018: $124.71)
Total Membership $309.00 (2018: $284.00)

Grand Total $2,410.95
The 2018 winter book sale total was $2,244.38.

Gifts to the Library

During the quarter ending December 31st the Friends provided a total of $9,560 to the Library. $3,611 of this was for the purchase of books and other materials. The remaining $5,949 paid for the annual subscription to the McNaughton Plan, which enables the Library to provide extra copies of best sellers without purchasing them during the period when they are popular and to return them when they are no longer needed.

Gifts to the Library for the first half of the 2018-19 fiscal year totaled $15,616. Funds for these gifts came from sales from all sources; memberships beyond the basic level; and donations, including memorial donations. We are very grateful to everyone who supports the Friends and those activities that make our gifts possible.

Karen Anderson, Treasurer

FRL Volunteer Luncheon

The annual Volunteer Luncheon was held in December at the Red Lion Inn in Eureka. It gave us an opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal and to thank our members who give unselfishly of their time and energy to help keep the Friends activities that support the Humboldt County Library running smoothly. We also welcomed several members of the Library Staff.

It was a pleasure to present Ronda Wittenberg with flowers to congratulate her for being awarded the 2018 Helen Everett Award by the Humboldt Library Foundation. Ronda is an amazing staff person who works tirelessly for the Library and our community.

A special treat was the appearance of Charles Young and the wonderful singing group, Limited Edition, from Eureka High.

Limited Edition

October Book Sale Results

October Book Sale Results

Books, etc.   $1555.77  (Fall 2017 was $1558.89)

Jam                  $55.00   
Calendars         $21.00

Total Sales        $1631.72


Total Donations            $83.05  (2017: $36.50)

Total Membership     $205.00  (2017: $342.00)


Grand Total      $1,919.77

For comparison, last year’s fall total was $1,937.39.

Thanks to all of the volunteers that helped to set-up, take down, and manage the sale tables.  A large thank you also goes to all of the volunteers that continually sort and box the donated books and media.  They help make the sale, the book store, and internet sales possible.
Tony Pasquale Albanese       Eileen Hayhurst            Debbie Reis
Donna Andersen                   Sandie Hazel                 Abigail Ryan            
Karen Anderson                    Joey Hernandez            Dawn Rypkema
Kay Belschner                       Stephanie Hillman         Anne Saplin
Terri Bonow                           
Alicia Jones                   Hilary Stephens                 
James Cech                          Mary McCutcheon         Calista Sullivan
Madeleine Ferguson             Steve Millspaugh           Gayle Teter          

Judith Gilkey                          Kris Onstine                  Marilyn Tucker
Lauren Gogan                        Milton Phegley              Yvette Tucker
Anne Hartline                        

Gifts to the Library

GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY During the quarter ending September 30th the Friends provided a total of $6,056 to the Library. $4,498 of this amount was for the purchase of books and other library materials. The remainder supported a variety of activities, as follows:

  • $600 for the Summer Reading Program
  • $200 for the Harry Potter Celebration, to be held on October 27
  • $693 for Web Dewey, an online cataloging support service
  • $65 for licensing fees for movies shown in the Based on the Book quarterly film series.

Funds for these gifts came from sales from all sources; memberships beyond the basic level; and donations, including memorial donations. We are very grateful to everyone who supports the Friends and those activities that make our gifts possible.

2019 Children’s Art Calendar Now Available!

The 2019 Children’s Art Calendar is ready and is now available in the Eureka Main Library, 1313 Third Street, Eureka. The price is $7. You will find them upstairs in the Serendipity Book Store and also at the Circulation Desk.

2019 Art Calendar CoverAs always, we received lots of wonderful artwork, and choices were difficult, but we came up with a great cover, twelve month illustrations, and also thirteen honorable mentions. Each picture illustrates a favorite book that the child has enjoyed. Children aged 5 to 12 are represented. Every child who submitted artwork received a certificate to be used in the Serendipity Book Store.

Again, our faithful sponsors have provided us with funds for printing, so all proceeds will be donated to the Humboldt County Library. You can see the original artwork in the Hagopian Gallery, upstairs in the Eureka Main Library, during the month of November.