2018 Buck-a-Bag Book Sale Results

Books, etc.
Meeting Room    $420.00

Garage                $311.00

Total                     $731.00   (At a “Buck-a-Bag” that’s a lot of books!)


Total                    $55.00

Total Sales        $786.00

Total Donations (Meeting Room + Garage)             $74.41

Total Membership (Meeting Room + Garage)        $554.00

Grand Total      $1,414.41

For comparison, last year’s Buck-a-Bag total was $1,392.46

The Friends of the Redwood Libraries would like to thank the following volunteers for making the 2018 Buck-a-Bag sale a success.  We would also thank the continued helpfulness of the library staff during the set-up and take-down times.

Tony Pasquale Albanese       Eileen Hayhurst            Debbie Reis
Donna Andersen                   Sandie Hazel                 Abigail Ryan
Karen Anderson                    Joey Hernandez            Dawn Rypkema
Kay Belschner                       Stephanie Hillman         Anne Saplin
Terri Bonow                           Marjorie Malcolm           Hilary Stephens
James Cech                          Mary McCutcheon         Calista Sullivan
Madeleine Ferguson             Steve Millspaugh           Gayle Teter
Edge Gerring                         Susan Nolan                 Verne Trinoskey
Lauren Gogan                       Kris Onstine                  Marilyn Tucker
Dolores Guffy                        Milton Phegley

2018-2019 Officers Elected

Officers and Directors were elected at the FRL Annual Meeting, which was held on June 23, 2018.

Terms for the following offices are from 2018 to 2020:
First Vice President: Calista Sullivan
Second Vice President: Stephanie Hillman
Treasurer: Karen Anderson
Directors: Hilary Stephens, Geri Emberson, Yvette Tucker
Director (term ending in 2019): Anne Hartline

The following offices are continuing (terms ending in 2019):
President: Marilyn Tucker
Recording Secretary: Debbie Reis
Corresponding Secretary: Sandie Hazel
Directors: Donna Andersen, James Cech, Abigail Ryan

Call for Volunteers

 If you have some time in your busy schedule, please consider becoming a volunteer for the Friends of the Redwood Libraries. This is definitely a satisfying, meaningful way to support your community. If you wish to spend two or three hours a week with knowledgeable, dedicated, caring people, this is the place! Call us at 269-1995 or email us at friends@eurekafrl.org and someone will get back to you. We’ll help you find your niche, whether it’s sorting books, helping with quarterly book sales, training to work in the Serendipity Book Store, or perhaps finding another task that needs to be done, there’s something for you. 

We are always on the lookout for people to help with lifting boxes of books. Many of our volunteers are willing to do just about anything, but age is catching up with us. Yes, books are wonderful, but they’re also heavy! 

Winter Book Sale Results


Winter Book Sale Results

February 2 & 3, 2018

Proceeds benefit the Redwood Libraries

The winter sale results from 2017 are also shown for comparison.
Thank you to everyone who made the sale happen.
         January 2017                                                February 2018
Books, etc.     $1724.25                              Books, etc.    $1780.67
Jam                 $25.00                                    Jam                 $55
Total Sales    $1749.25                               Total Sales     $1835.67
Donations     $56.62                                    Donations      $124.71
Membership  $318.00                                 Membership  $284
Grand Total   $2123.87                               Grand Total  $2244.38

Gifts to the Library

During the quarter ending December 31st, 2017, the Friends provided a total of $10,940 to the Library. $9,989 of this was for the purchase of books and other materials. In addition, we provided $635 for movie licensing fees to support the Based on the Book film series and $336 to the Library’s Hospitality Fund, which is used for professional and technical staff meetings. This brings our total gifts for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 to $15,241. Funds for these gifts come from book store and internet sales and from the proceeds from our regular book sales; from membership dues above the basic level; and from donations, including memorial donations; and from the sale of the 2018 Children’s Art Calendar. Thanks to all of our supporters for making these gifts possible. 

Serendipity reaches $500,000 in sales!

Frances with booksFRL’s Serendipity Book Store has achieved $500,000 in sales! The Friends of the Redwood Libraries wish to thank our wonderful customers, members, volunteers, our generous community and the library for supporting the bookstore. Serendipity Book Store is located on the second floor of the Eureka branch library at 1313 Third St., Eureka, and is open during library hours, closing 30 minutes before the library closes.

Serendipity was founded in October, 1999, by the Friends under the guidance of treasured volunteer Frances Rapin and is staffed with a dedicated team of volunteers. New titles are added frequently, so stock is never predictable and always interesting. Check our Serendipity page for more information on hours and our donation policies.

The Friends’ mission is to support the Humboldt County Library system. Money generated by store sales supports book purchases, the biennial Authors Festival, and enrichment programs for children in the community. Please consider a volunteer position with the Friends of the Redwood Libraries!
