Serendipity Book Store
The Friends of the Library Serendipity Store is located on the 2nd floor of the Eureka Main Library, 1313 Third St. in Eureka. We have a large selection of used books, magazines, and videos, with inventory added daily. Serendipity was founded in October, 1999 and recently passed $500,000 in sales.
Serendipity Store Hours
Tuesday 12-4:30
Wednesday – 12:00-7:30
Thursday – 12:00-4:30
Friday – 10:00-4:30
Saturday – 11:00-3:30
Other Reasons to Shop Serendipity

Vintage and Collectible
You can also check out our collection of vintage and antique books for sale online at Abe Books.
Donating Materials to the Humboldt County Library–Eureka Main
We welcome donations of the following materials:
- Hardcover and paperback books in good condition
- Audiobooks on CD
- Music CD’s and records
- DVDs and video/computer games
- Comic books and graphic novels
We are unable to accept the following:

- Materials which are missing pages, smelly, warped, torn, stained, mildewed, damaged or in poor condition; books that have been underlined or with pen or pencil markings
- Textbooks older than five years
- Readers Digest Condensed Books, Time-Life sets
- Encyclopedias; reference materials or investment guides with outdated content
- Magazines, periodicals or professional journals
- VHS tapes, music cassette tapes and older computer software
- Media that is copied, incomplete or without original case notes
Before dropping off donations please check that materials listed above are not included. Sorting and disposing of unsaleable materials is a significant cost of time and money and we appreciate your cooperation.
Donations may be dropped off Tuesday or Thursday from 10:00 until noon (go to the left side garage door of the library near the handicapped parking) and at other times by appointment. In most cases volunteers will receive donations on behalf of the library. Please do not overload or use oversize boxes.
Up to 2 bags of books or other materials may be dropped off at the circulation desk during library open hours
To make an appointment or for more information regarding what materials can be accepted, please email the Friends of the Redwood Libraries at or call 707 269-1995 and leave a message. Receipts noting the number of items donated are available upon request. We are unable to provide valuation of materials donated.
Donated materials will be evaluated to determine which will be added to the library collection based on library needs and other criteria. Materials not added to the collection will be given to the Friends of the Redwood Libraries (FRL) to be sold at Serendipity Book Store, on the internet or at book sales. Proceeds are returned to the library and are used to purchase new materials.
Thank you for your donation. We appreciate your support!
Branch Libraries
Donations may be delivered to the branch libraries during library open hours.